Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Eggs and Spinach...

Saturday night we went to grab a bite to eat and had to hurry home to dye the Easter Eggs...On the way home, Brenly decides to ask us if the Easter Bunny is real? (I mean, she JUST turned 5) We asked her if the Easter Bunny brought her stuff and she said yes...and that seemed to end that conversation...Then she needs to know where the Easter Bunny lives? Ray and I look at each other and cracked up, not having a clue what the answer "should" be...Ray finally said that he lives in a big garden somewhere, and Brenly didn't buy it...She said,"I don't think that you have that right?" (KeKe called and said that he lived in Bunnyville, North Carolina and she half believed her)and then she decides that we need to go home and make cookies for the Easter Bunny (YIKES...forgot that on the list) However, we have been eating lots of lettuce/spinach at our house, so I told her that the Easter Bunny would probably enjoy a plate of Spinach better and she thought it was a great idea! Man, this Easter Bunny thing is hard work :)
Anyway, we get home to dye the eggs and I snapped a few shots...

and this is my favorite...right before Brenly went to bed, she decided that she needed to write the Easter Bunny a letter, with the spinach and blueberry muffin...and here it is-

she wrote all of our names down, Happy Easter and then worte Jesus is ALIVE! Is that not the most precious thing ever! Praise the Lord that He has RISEN!

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