Tuesday, May 13, 2008

God is so good...

and so faithful...He has answered our prayers and I think that we have just come out of one of the roughest valleys...Last night she took her medicine...which is a huge answered prayer, which in turn made her feel alittle better and then I gave her some benedryl (only after being advised by my doctor) and she actually slept last night from 9:00-11:30 and then from 12:00 until 4:00...WE haven't been to sleep since then, but that is OKAY! PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! You must understand that ONLY God could've turned this very bleak situation into a very hopeful one in the matter of a few hours...So please know that because of all of your faithful prayers for our family, that we are doing so much better! Rest assured that we are still wearing blue ear muffs around the house, and she can wear them all week for all I care...she is still struggling to swallow, she screams that her ears hurt as she swallows but she isn't in constant pain, like SHE has been in the past 48hours! So I truly believe that by the end of the week, she will be 100%. What a relief, I really was at wits end! I wasn't sure how much more we were going to have to endure! But God gave me what I needed when I needed it and we survived! Dear Lord, Thank you so much for showing up last night and giving us relief, as only you can. I praise only you and want you to get all the glory, because it certainly wasn't anything that we were doing! The hydrocodone wasn't touching her severe ear pain...and yet in a few hours it had subsided and she was MUCH better! I just ask that you continue to heal her and give her back her strength and her appetite. Thank you for loving us and caring for us in a way that only you can! Amen.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing!!! That's great!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad for all of you! Bless her sweet ear muff wearing heart! And yours! Did I hear you say Hot Springs just now... I think so!