So off you may or may not know that Ray's father plays bluegrass music...and Brenly loves to hear Grandfather play...You may also know that my children have NO rhythm (Avery might have slightly more than Brenly, that is still to be decided)So this video is from several weeks ago when we were at the Bellvue Star Spangled Celebration, however I just figured out how to get it loaded onto the computer! SO sorry that it is a little outdated...Its still REALLY funny...and I am so sorry that you are going to have to tilt your head slightly to the left...When I was recording them dancing...I didn't realize that I had my camera was turned..and that I wouldn't be able to fix it once I put it on the computer (You may also know that I am computer ILLITERATE, so its quite possible that it can be turned, but I would have know clue how to do that--HELP anybody?!?!)...So work me, tilt your head to the left and watch my girls dancing their heart out...or trying to at least! Be sure to turn up your volume so that you can appreciate how well the dancin goes with the music!
and I am laughing at loud...because I can just picture all of you with you face close to the computer with your head tilted to the side...Too bad I can't be a fly on your wall!
Now I am laughing out loud cause that is exactly what I was doing, then read the last sentence you posted!!!!!! Missed you today, hope Avery is better
Somehow I cannot imagine with a blog as done-up as yours that you are not computer genius?
They are just too cute, even if they don't dance to the rhythm of the beat!
Forget the dancing... the "air banjo" is what is cracking me up!!! They just need their mom to show them how to put up their guns!
HA jokes on you... i simply tilted my laptop sideways, missy know it all! :) that was cute cute!
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