Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rowen Charles Winters...

Is here...Born April 29, 2009 at 3:08 pm weighing 7lbs. 6 oz. and 20 3/4 inches long...he's got a head full of black hair and just perfect...however getting him here wasn't as seemed that everything that could go wrong...DID...
Let me start from the beginning to give you a full sense of what was going on...I get a call on Tuesday night saying that Heather was having some pretty intense contractions...and was told to have my phone nearby...At around 8:15, Heather called to let me know that they were heading to the hospital...I didn't get too excited and decided to hang tight until she actually got admitted...Not until 11:15 pm, did I get that call! Because we have a really old car with lots of miles on it AND because it was almost midnight I opted to stay at home...During that 11:15 phone call Heather was about to receive her epidural...I set my alarm for 3:45am so that I would arrive in Nashville just before morning rush hour...We arrive at Vanderbilt just after 7am...making it there before Rowan arrived...Praise the Lord!

We walk in only to discover that *only one side of Her epidural was really working so she was having some pain...the nurse proceeds to give her a pain pump that can only release medication every 10 minutes

...I will tell you that Heather tried with all her might to get that thing to work every 2 minutes (if not 1) After a morning of continually pushing the pain was now just a waiting we wait, and we wait...and we wait...
Around mid morning Dr. S decides to break her water, only to discover that it was *filled with meconium (the baby's first poop) so there was concern about his lungs...So then we learn that *NICU will be in the room as the baby is delivered to make sure that he doesn't aspirate any of it...
Heather starts to run a *low grade fever of 99 and the Dr and nurse tell her that they will just watch to make sure that her fever doesn't spike while in labor...15 mins. later the nurse checks her temp only to realize that it has *spiked to 102.4...they immediately *deliver antibiotics and Tylenol and the dr. checks her progression...during this check he founds out that *Rowan is posterior (or sunny side up...which means he is facing up, which is totally opposite from the way he is supposed to be delivered) which means that Heather will have to push LONG and HARD to get the little guy out! And push she did...I have in my life seen somebody so determined in my life! She WAS GOING TO GET HIM HERE...REGARDLESS!! In the midst of her pushing the nurse called for a *bucket of ice water with several wash cloths so that we could douse her in cold ice water to try to break her fever!
After *2 long, grueling hours *Rowan developed Tachycardia (high heart rate about 190-200 beats per minute)So the doctor went ahead and made the decision to use *forceps to "help" him make his entrance into this crazy world...Around 3:00pm on Wednesday they were set to go...At 3:08(the clock says 3:10...not sure about that)

the doctor delivered our precious baby...but in the meantime Heather suffered from a *partial 3 tear and a *rupture (of something, never got the exact terminology but because of it she lost alot of blood...that required some *shot to help stopped the bleeding. The doctor had already explained that because of the meconium incident they weren't going to startle him, and they were going to let NICU take care of suctioning all that mess out of his we *didn't hear his cry for an eternity for about 3 minutes and then we FINALLY heard the most beautiful sound ever...his cry! Josh was able to see him and I was able to take very few pictures

because apparently it didn't sound so beautiful to everyone else...They let Heather see him for approx. 30sec 2-3 minutes and

then they *whisked him away to the nursery...Apparently he was "grunting" or "singing" so with every breath he making some, not so good, noise! So they rush him out of the room and now the doctor is having to *take care of Heather which took forever about 30-45 minutes and she was EXHAUSTED...Bless her heart...she was such a trooper!
Everyone else got to go to the nursery to see him, from afar...and they got to see for themselves that he is absolutely precious...
At *6:00pm Heather had still not been able to see him, and she was getting nervous
They finally wheeled her down to the nursery so that she could finally lay eyes on him and know that he was okay.

They did have to *place an I.V. on his tiny little arm

so that they would be able to deliver antibiotics to him (due to poss. infection that Heather might have...high fever) and then she got to hold her baby...

PRAISE THE LORD!! What a sweet moment!
The nurse suggested that *EVERYONE else leave so that the baby wouldn't be at risk for any more infection...*so we all left saddened that we didn't get to see him, but excited for the new Winters addition and their sweet family time together!

Welcome to this world Rowan...

You have already made us so proud and we can't wait to watch you grow! We love you already more than you could ever know!

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