I didn't even cry...and neither did she! We have been talking about pre-school for several weeks...about her new class, her new teachers, new friends, all the activities, all the fun, etc...and she has bee very excited about the big day...So last night I had both the girls in bed by 8:30...which is a huge feat at our house...At about 9:00 I hear her crying, so I walk in and ask her what's wrong...She said..."I am just having a bad day" I asked why it had been so bad and she said that she had hit her head on the wall, and that MiMi never called her back (She had called MiMi earlier in the evening and she happened to be outside,and while returning in the house she never checked her cell phone...that will teach her!) So I told her that sometimes when we are having bad days, we need to talk to Jesus and tell him why we are sad! So we start talking to Jesus about school, praying that she will have a very fun day. Pray for her teachers, Mrs. Vickie (she got very excited that her teacher and her MiMi have the same name!) and Mrs. Leigh Ann, for her new friends (and she said, "but we don't even know there names" yes, my child but we can still pray for them!) and so after about 15 minutes of praying for EVERYTHING that had to do with school...I kissed her and told her that I was going to get ready for bed and that I would check on her later! At about 9:45 (so much for getting her in bed at 8:30) she still wasn't asleep...It was so funny to see my 4 year old have nervous energy about the first day of "pre" school. I took off this morning long enough to get her there and see her off (into the great unknown!) So this morning I got up early and got myself ready for the day and started to cook pancakes (her favorite) for breakfast, and then I wake her up (she is NOT a morning person) and it took her a while to get over the fact that it was so early in the morning! I sit her and the table and she eats her breakfast
and then I get Avery up and feed her! I proceed to get Brenly dressed and her hair brushed (another great feat), told her to potty and brush her teeth and we would be ready to go! So her is the big girl walking out the door
I had to get a picture of Avery of this monumental day...She is going to be soooo lost without "BeeBee" with her...She has never been without her...(and when I dropped her off she was so confused)
and we had to get a picture with Daddy (by the soybeans...aren't they lookin' good :)
And then we were off to school...and she has even learned how to buckle her seat belt by herself...She is so proud...Can you tell how happy she is!!
We make our way to the school and headed in to drop our supplies off! They don't open the doors until 8:55. We found Brenly's name on the door and her "hand print"
We left our supplies in the hall and headed back out to find Maci and CJ... they had just pulled up and Brenly said, "Hurry up Maci, we are going to be late for school!!" So we take several pictures outside
and then it was time to head in and get our things situated...
Mrs. Vickie and Mrs Leigh Ann (her teachers) greeted her, and pointed to where she will store her stuff
(Mrs. Vickie got down and told Brenly that she had been teaching for 25 years and she had never had a child in her class with her same birthday...until Brenly...So Mrs. Vickie and Brenly will be birthday buddies on March 16 :)
Brenly got to find her cubby and placed her book bag and her mat at the bottom and her lunchbox at the top!
And then it was time for mommy to leave her! I kissed her, told her to have a good day and I was out the door!
I think it was much easier than I thought because she was SOOOOO excited! That always makes things easier! I pray that my little "pre"schooler (She doesn't like the "pre" before school...she just wants me to say school, UUUGGGGHHH, she is growing up too fast!!) has a wonderful day and is just as excited to go back on thursday!
Don't be alarmed... Keke is sitting at her desk crying. My Bren is sooo big!!!
Yay Brenly! and Mommy! What a big girl!!!
She looks so big! And a bow to match!! She looks precious.
How sweet! And welcome to the world of getting lunches ready, laying out clothes and fighting little ones to get them to sleep!!
What a big day! Congrats on getting through it. It was even a big day for Avery. How did she do without Brenley?
What a special day for all the kids!!
She looks so precious!!!!!!!
Brenly, you are too cute girlfriend!
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