we were heading to Cinderella's castle to eat breakfast with the princesses...so they let us into the park FIRST!

We were the FIRST ones on main street

and the FIRST to check in with our reservations...Because we were FIRST...We were the FIRST ones allowed in the castle,

Brenly and Avery got picked to be Princess for a day!

the FIRST ones to see Cinderella and the FIRST ones to walk up the spiral staircase

and the FIRST ones to sit down at our Royal Table

They gave the girls princess wands,

however Brenly quickly traded hers in for a sword :)

and then it was time to meet all the princesses...

Because Avery was dressed like Ariel, she was sweet enough to spend "alittle" extra time with her! Precious!

After everyone was finished with Breakfast, the girls got "wishing stars" and they had to close their eyes, wave their wands (or swords) and make their wish!
(check out her eyes...too funny!)

What a wonderful time we had at the Royal Banquet!
We left the castle and headed over to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (Brenly's absolute favorite...Avery was a good sport, but didn't love it!)

We also rode Alladin's magic carpet

and actually got to meet them as soon as we got off the ride

Then we boarded the monorail and headed over to Hollywood Studios again...

We got to Hollywood Studios and headed straight to Toy Story Mania!! All of the fast passes were LONG gone and so in line we stood, for 70 MINUTES!! (seriously, what in the world?!)

Then it was time for Lights, Camera, Motors...A stunt car show that was very interesting and the girls really enjoyed it, which surprised us :)

The girls were ready to burn some energy after sitting during the last show, so we took them to the Honey, I shrunk the Kids playground!

We were going to finish our day with riding Tower of Terror (failure...see next post:) watching Beauty and the Beast! What a fun day!